Letter from the Board: Seeds of Growth

Dear VGI Community,


Ten years ago, our Executive Director Gretchen Mead had an idea. She planted it, like a tiny seed. Withhelp from others, like you who believed in this idea, she nurtured the seed that was the vision of Victory Garden Initiative and as the seed grows into something spectacular – so has VGI! I am sure like me, you too are very proud of the growth of our organization and also look to the future for with high expectations of the impact we can have.

It is our 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! We are celebrating all that we have done:

    • installing gardens/ bringing fresh food to people’s yards all over the city
    • planting trees and orchards,
    • training community food leaders,
    • launching community gardens,
    • engaging volunteers,
    • BLITZing (bringing together 100’s of volunteers to build garden beds)
    • building our farm, (providing programs for children and adults at The Farm in the Harambee neighborhood)
    • and, teaching children and adults to grow their own food.


None of these endeavors could’ve been possible without you. So this year and always, we also celebrate you. You helped us plant seeds. You helped our gardens grow. You helped our staff excel and our volunteers grow personally. You helped countless neighbors, children and community members. On behalf of everyone at Victory Garden Initiative, we THANK YOU!

On behalf of the VGI Board of Directors, we are deeply grateful for your generosity and continued belief in the impact we make in our community. Your impact will continue into 2018 and beyond. There are exciting things on our horizon. As we continue our current programs, we are exploring new adventures like growing our educational programs at The Farm and creating our very own CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program.

Please come to our annual fundraiser, The Fruity Nutty Affair on February 22nd! It is always a fantastic event with amazing food from the best local restaurants, music, silent auction and all the proceeds go to VGI…..what a fun way to give to Victory Garden Initiative.

Best regards,

Susie Ralston, Chairwoman of the Board, Victory Garden Initiative

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